POST /overlay/pull_endpoint - Adaptive Applications - BlueCat Gateway - 20.8.1

BlueCat Overlay for Microsoft

Product name
BlueCat Gateway

Initiate the data pull from the Microsoft Windows Servers, merge the data, and prepare the data to be imported into Address Manager. The import data filename is returned. No data is imported to Address Manager using this endpoint.

POST http://<Gateway_url>/overlay/pull_endpoint
Authorization: <token>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
file = <CSV file that contains the Microsoft Server list>
configId = <configuration_id>
viewId = <view_id>
wipe_data = True | False
reimport = True | False
win_connect = True | False
debug = True | False
  • file - the CSV file that contains the list of Microsoft Server that will be imported into Address Manager. For more information on the CSV file format, refer to Import configuration.
  • configId - the object ID of the Address Manager configuration where the Microsoft data will be imported. BlueCat recommends using a clean configuration for the Microsoft Overlay information.
  • viewId - the object ID of the Address Manager view where the Microsoft DNS data will be imported.
  • wipe_data - defines whether all Address Manager objects under the configured configId and viewId is deleted and reimported. Set to True to delete and reimport data.
  • reimport - defines whether to remove the previously saved Microsoft Overlay configuration file. Set to True to remove the current Microsoft Overlay configuration file.
  • win_connect - defines whether to connect to the Microsoft Servers. Set to True to connect.
  • debug - defines whether to enable additional logging such as storing raw data pulled from Microsoft Servers. Set to True to enable additional logging.
Successful response
200 OK
Content-Type: text