Adding a parent block - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can add a parent block to existing IPv4 blocks in Address Manager.

You can select two or more blocks on the same IPv4 or Address Space tab to be located under a new parent block. The new parent block appears on the Address Space tab where the siblings were selected, and the siblings now appear as children of the new parent block. There can't be unselected address space between the selected blocks.

To add IPv4 parent blocks:

  1. On the IPv4 or Address Space tab, select the check boxes for two or more IP blocks.
  2. Click Action and select Add Parent Block.
  3. The Selected Siblings section lists the blocks or networks selected to be added to a new parent block. Review the list to ensure that it contains the correct items.
  4. Under General, set the name and location for the block:
    • Name—enter a name for the new parent block to be added.
    • Location—(Optional) select a location from the drop-down menu on which the IP object that you are adding or editing will be based. The most frequently used location objects are at the top of the list.
      • Inherited Location—displays the location annotation that's inherited from the parent object. If you don't include a location, this default location will be used for the current object and its child objects.
  5. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  6. Click Yes.