Adding and editing DHCPv6 ranges - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Add or edit DHCPv6 ranges to configure IPv6 addresses that can be allocated to clients on the network.

DHCP ranges dedicate a portion of a network to DHCP. DHCPv6 ranges must not include any static addresses that exist on the network and that fall within the DHCP range.

To add IPv6 DHCP ranges:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Click the IPv6 tab. Under IPv6 Blocks, click either the FC00::/6 block or the 2003::/3 block.
  4. Under Address Space, click an IPv6 network range.
  5. Under Address Space, click an IPv6 network.
  6. Click the DHCPv6 Ranges tab.
  7. Under DHCP Ranges, click New. If you are editing a DHCPv6 range, click the DHCPv6 range name menu and select Edit.
  8. If you are adding a new DHCPv6 range, under DHCP Range Information, define the address range size. If you are editing an existing DHCPv6 range, enter a descriptive name of the IPv6 DHCP range in the Name field.
    • Range Size—choose the range of addresses from the drop-down menu or select Custom Size to define the range of addresses you want to create.
    • Auto Create—select this check box to automatically create the IPv6 DHCP range. Deselect the check box if you want to set a specific location to create. The following options become available when deselected:
      • Range Offset—specify the number of addresses that you want to leave out. For example, if you want to exclude the first 3000 addresses for other uses and create the DHCP range, enter 3000. Address Manager will create the DHCP range defined in the Range Size section from the 3001st address.
      • Range Start Address—enter a specific IPv6 network address. From this point, Address Manager will create the DHCP range defined in the Range Size section.
    • Name—enter a descriptive name of the IPv6 DHCP range.
  9. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  10. Click Add.