Adding and editing DNS views - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Add or edit a DNS view in Address Manager. You can also configure IP restrictions when adding or editing a DNS view.

Attention: Currently, a limitation exists whereby a space in the name of a DNS view may affect deployments with DNSSEC zone signing. If you are adding a DNS view that will be linked to a DNSSEC signing policy, the name of the view can't contain spaces. For more information, refer to article 14957 on BlueCat Customer Care.

To add or edit a DNS view:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the DNS tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under DNS Views, click New.
    If editing a DNS View, click the name of the DNS View. From the Details page, click the name of the DNS View then select Edit.
  4. Under General, set the parameters for the DNS view:
    • Name—type a name for the view.
      Attention: Currently, a limitation exists whereby a space in the name of a DNS view may affect deployments with DNSSEC zone signing. If you are adding a DNS view that will be linked to a DNSSEC signing policy, the name of the view can't contain spaces. For more information, refer to article 14957 on BlueCat Customer Care.
    • Enable DNS Redirection for Device Registration Portal—select this check box only when you are configuring DNS redirection for the BlueCat Device Registration Portal. Once selected, the following option appears:
      • Device Registration Portal IPv4 Address—enter the IPv4 address for the external BlueCat Device Registration Portal. in the text field to specify the IPv4 address of an external MAC authentication portal.
  5. Under IP Restrictions, set the IP ranges for the zone:
    Select a block or network from the drop-down menu and click Add. The selected item is added to the list of IP Restrictions. All objects created within the view must fall within the blocks and networks in the IP Restrictions list.
    • IPv4 Block—select this option to show IPv4 blocks in the drop-down menu.
    • IPv4 Network—select this option to show IPv4 networks in the drop-down menu.

    To remove a restriction from the list, click the Remove link beside the restriction.

  6. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  7. Click Add, or click Add Next to add another view.