Address Manager polled objects - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Lists the Address Manager-specific SNMP polled objects.

The following table lists the Address Manager-specific SNMP polled objects in the file BAM-SNMP-MIB.txt.

Each Address Manager MIB OID (object identifier) begins with the following prefix:

. (

All Address Manager object IDs begin with the same prefix, but it's omitted from the OID column below.

Attention: The following SNMP objects have been deprecated and are no longer in use:
  • .walFilesTotalSize (.
  • .replicationWarningThreshold (.
  • .replicationBreakThreshold (.
SNMP Object OID Access Description
.app .100.210.1   Address Manager application objects container
.common .   Address Manager common application objects container
.version . Read-only Version of Address Manager
.startTime . Read-only Address Manager application start-up date and time
.notificationMessage . Read-only Trap-specific notification message
.database .   Address Manager database objects container
.maxPoolSize . Read-only Maximum number of database connections maintained at any given time
.numConnections . Read-only Number of database connections currently in use
.deployer .   Address Manager deployer objects container
.serverCountInQueue . Read-only Number of servers that have deployments currently queued
.executingServerCount . Read-only Number of servers that have active deployments
.numberOfTasks . Read-only Number of deployer tasks
.eventNotification .   Address Manager event notification objects container
.queueCount . Read-only Number of event notifications currently queued
.reconciliation .   Address Manager reconciliation objects container
.poolSize . Read-only Pool size of the reconciliation service
.scheduledDeployer .   Address Manager scheduled deployer objects container
.numOfTimers . Read-only Total number of defined scheduled deployment tasks
.running . Read-only Defines whether the deployment scheduler is running
.scheduledTaskService .   Address Manager scheduled task service objects container
.queueSize . Read-only Number of currently scheduled report tasks
.replication .   Address Manager replication objects container
.walFilesTotalSize . Read-only
Attention: This OID has been deprecated. The following value is returned by this OID: No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
.replicationNodeStatus . Read-only The replication status of the server. The status values are as follows:
  • 0 - Standalone server
  • 1 - Primary server
  • 2 - Standby server
  • 3 - Removed Standby
.replicationAverageLatency . Read-only Average WAL record synchronization latency between the Primary and Standby server (in seconds). When the Address Manager server is a Standby or Standalone server, the value returned is 0. When database replication isn't running, the value returned is -1.

For more information on database replication latency, refer to Monitoring database replication latency.

.replicationWarningThreshold . Read-only
Attention: This OID has been deprecated and replaced by the .replicationLatency WarningThreshold OID. The following value is returned by this OID: No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
.replicationBreakThreshold . Read-only
Attention: This OID has been deprecated and replaced by the .replicationLatency CriticalThreshold OID. The following value is returned by this OID: No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
.replicationLatencyWarningThreshold . Read-only Warning threshold of the replication stream (in seconds), available only from the Primary server when database replication is configured. When the Address Manager server is a Standby, Removed Standby, or Standalone server, the following value is returned by this OID: No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
.replicationLatencyCriticalThreshold . Read-only Critical threshold of the replication stream (in seconds), available only from the Primary server when database replication is configured. When the Address Manager server is a Standby, Removed Standby, or Standalone server, the following value is returned by this OID: No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
.replicationStatusTable .   Information about servers in replication. The object returns a table that contains a list of Standby servers with their associated hostname, IPv4 address, the current latency (in seconds), the replication health, and the replication role.
.replicationStatusEntry . Not-accessible Information about replicating servers entry container.
.hostname . Read-only Hostname of the servers in replication.
.ipv4Address . Not-accessible IPv4 address of the servers in replication.
.currentLatency . Read-only Current latency (in seconds) of the Standby servers in replication. If the value is -1, the replication latency is pending.
.replicationHealth . Read-only Streaming replication health of the Standby servers. The values are as follows:
  • 0 - Not replicating
  • 1 - Initializing
  • 2 - Replicating
Note: The Initializing state indicates that the database of the server is initializing.
.replicationRole . Read-only Role of the server in replication. The roles are as follows:
  • Primary
  • Standby
.notification .   Address Manager notification objects container
.messagesReceived . Read-only Number of notification messages received
.messagesAccepted . Read-only Number of notification messages accepted
.ackSent . Read-only Number of notification messages acknowledged
.messagesProcessed . Read-only Number of notification messages processed
.backlogSize .   Notification backlog size container
.NotificationDistributionTable .   Information about the notification backlog size. The objects returns a table that contains notifications in the backlog including the count, the IP address of the source DNS/DHCP Server, the type of notification, the category of the notification, and the state of the notification.
.distributionTableEntry . Not-accessible Information about notification entry container
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.count . Read-only Number of notifications
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.bddsServerID . Not-accessible Server ID of the source DNS/DHCP Server
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.serviceType . Not-accessible Type of notification. The type can be one of the following:
  • DNS
  • DHCP
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.serviceAction . Not-accessible Category of the notification type. The category can be the following based on the notification type:
  • add
  • remove
  • update
  • active
  • free
  • backup
  • expired
  • abandoned
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.state . Not-accessible State of the notification. The state can be one of the following:
  • received
  • succeeded
  • failed
  • discarded
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.fileSystemFootprint . Read-only Total size of the notification backlog (in kilobytes)
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.notificationServiceStartTime . Read-only Start time of the notification service
Attention: The SNMP service must be configured to use SNMP version v2c or v3 to receive information from this OID.
.dbBackup .   Address Manager database backup object container
.lastSuccessfulBackupTime . Read-only Date and time of the last successful local database backup
.lastSuccessfulRemoteBackupTime . Read-only Date and time of the last successful remote database backup
.JVM .100.210.3   JVM objects container
.freeMemory . Read-only Total amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine (in kilobytes)
.maxMemory . Read-only Maximum amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine (in kilobytes)
.gcTime . Read-only Time taken to complete the last garbage collection operation (in seconds)
.usageThresholdExceeded . Read-only Defines whether the Java Virtual Machine virtual memory limit has been exceeded
.activeThreadCount . Read-only Number of currently active Java threads
.traps .100.210.255   Address Manager trap objects container
.bamMsgTrap .   Generic trap sent from Address Manager