Address Manager session timeout - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

By default, the Address Manager session timeout is 20 minutes (you can change this in the global settings). If your session is inactive for the specified time period, Address Manager closes the session. You must log in again to continue working with Address Manager.

However, when your session is inactive on either the main page of the My IPAM tab or the main page of the Servers tab in Address Manager, the session doesn't time out after 20 minutes. Any other pages within the My IPAM tab or Servers tab time out normally. This is the intended behavior of the MY IPAM and Servers tabs, to allow you to view live information about the Address Manager, its surrounding network environment, and related other appliances.
Note: You can set a custom session timeout. For details, refer to Configuring global settings.