Assigning IPv6 addresses - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You must assign an IPv6 address before you can add a DNS host name or reserve it. Assignments can be static, to apply DNS information to it, or DHCP reserved, to flag it for future assignment.

When assigning a static address, you can give the address a name, assign it to a DNS view, and specify its forward and reverse DNS records. When assigning a DHCP reserved address, you can give the address a name. The name you assign to the address is used for reference within Address Manager only; it's not the host name for the address.

To provide better efficiency and flexibility on managing the reverse space, Address Manager supports creating PTR records for unmanaged external hosts through standalone PTR management. You can link IP addresses with existing unmanaged external host records to generate PTR records, or create new unmanaged external host as part of the IPv6 address assigning process.

To assign an IPv6 address:

  1. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  3. Click the IPv6 tab. Under IPv6 Blocks, select the network containing the address or addresses you want to assign.
  4. Select the check boxes for one or more addresses.
  5. Click Action and select Assign.
  6. Under Select Action, set the following options:
    • Type of Action—select Static or DHCP Reserved from the Type of Action drop-down menu.
    • Location—(Optional) select a location from the drop-down menu on which the IP object that you are adding or editing will be based. The most frequently used location objects are at the top of the list.
      • Inherited Location—displays the location annotation that's inherited from the parent object. If you don't include a location, this default location will be used for the current object and its child objects.
  7. Under General Settings, set the following options:
    • IP Address Name—enter or change the name for the IPv6 address.
    • Reserve Using—select to reserve the IPv6 address either by Client DUID or MAC Address. The default reservation is through Client DUID. This option displays only if you select DHCP Reserved from the Type of Action drop-down menu.
    • Client DUID—enter the DHCP Unique Identifier.
    • MAC Address—if not pre-populated, type the MAC address in the format nnnnnnnnnnnn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, or nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn where nn is a hexadecimal value from 00 to FF.
  8. Under Add to Views, select the view in which you want the AAAA record to be created.
  9. Under DNS Records, set the following parameters:
    • Same As Zone—when selected, the host record receives the same name as the zone.
    • Create Reverse Record—when selected, a reverse record is maintained for this host assignment.
    • Host—enter the DNS host name. If you specify a host name in a zone that doesn't yet exist, Address Manager prompts you to confirm that you want to create the zone.
  10. Under Standalone PTR Records, set the following options:
    • Views—select a view from the drop-down menu to specify the DNS view from which you want to select External Host records or to which you want to add External Host records.
      • Existing Unmanaged Host—select this option to link a PTR record to existing external host records in the selected View. Choose an external host record from the drop-down menu and click Add PTR.
      • New Unmanaged Host—select this option to create a new external host record in the selected View and link a PTR record to it. Enter the fully qualified domain name and click Add PTR.
      • You can add multiple external host records from different views. External host records that are already linked will be displayed.
      • To remove an external host record, click Remove beside the external host record.
  11. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  12. Click Assign Address.