Having already created an DNSSEC-HSM signing policy, you can now apply the policy to a DNS zone.
If you haven't yet created a zone or DNS view in Address Manager, refer
to the DNS section.
Important: Currently,
a limitation exists whereby a space in the name of a DNS view
may affect deployments with DNSSEC zone signing. If you are
adding a DNS view that will be linked to a DNSSEC-HSM signing
policy, the name of the view can't contain spaces. For
more information, refer to Knowledge Base article 14957 on BlueCat Customer Care.
To assign an DNSSEC-HSM signing policy to a DNS zone:
When you sign a DNS zone, Address Manager automatically enables the
DNSSEC Key Auto Generate option for the configuration. This means that all keys will
automatically roll over according to the key parameters set in the signing policy. For
more information on the DNSSEC Key Auto Generate option and emergency key rollover,
refer to Managing DNSSEC keys.