Basic DNS/DHCP Server configuration - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Configure an IPv4 and/or IPv6 address, netmask/prefix, and default gateway on the eth0 interface in order to connect the DNS/DHCP Server to the network so that you will be able to add it to Address Manager.

Note: For BlueCat appliances, refer to the installation poster provided for complete hardware installation information. For BlueCat virtual machines, refer to the VM Installation Guide .
Note: For complete information on configuring interfaces from the Administration Console, refer to Interface settings.

To set an IP address, netmask/prefix, and default gateway:

  1. From Main Session mode, type configure interfaces and press ENTER.
  2. Type modify <interface> and press ENTER.
  3. Type set address <ipv4address/CIDR> or set address <ipv6address/CIDR> and press ENTER.
    Note: When configuring an IPv6 address for DNS/DHCP Server management, the prefix should be set to 64 or greater. Address Manager will not connect to the DNS/DHCP Server if the IPv6 address prefix is below 64.
  4. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
  5. Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
  6. Type configure network and press ENTER.
  7. Type set default-gateway <ipv4address> or set default-gateway <ipv6address> and press ENTER. If your gateway doesn't match your interface, you will receive an error. Enter the set gateway command again with the correct gateway address, or modify the IP address in Interfaces Configuration mode.
  8. Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
  9. Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
  • Any customers who require Dedicated Management in their environment should enable Dedicated Management before adding the DNS/DHCP Server to Address Manager. For details refer to Configuring Dedicated Management.
  • If you don't require Dedicated Management, proceed to adding your DNS/DHCP Server to Address Manager.