Configuring Audit Data Retention - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The following section outlines the steps to configure the control of the retention of audit data.

To configure audit data retention:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Administration page.
  2. Under Data Management, click Audit Data Settings.
  3. Click Audit Data Retention.
  4. Under Retention period settings per data type, set the following parameters:
    • Administrative History (days)—enter the number of days (non-zero) to retain the administrative history records or select the Retain Indefinitely option to retain the data indefinitely.
    • Session and Event History (days)—enter the number of days (non-zero) to retain the session and event history records or select the Retain Indefinitely option to retain the data indefinitely.
      Note: The value for Session and Event History field must be greater than or equal to the value of each of the other types.
    • DHCP Transaction History (days)—enter the number of days (non-zero) to retain the DHCP transaction history records or select the Retain Indefinitely option to retain the data indefinitely, or select Do Not Retain to never retain the data.
    • DDNS Transaction History (days)—enter the number of days (non-zero) to retain the DDNS transaction history records or select the Retain Indefinitely option to retain the data indefinitely or select Do Not Retain to never retain the data.
    Note: The input value for the retention periods (in days) must be greater than or equal to one.
  5. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  6. Click Update.
    • Reducing any retention period to a non-negative value will trigger the immediate removal of any audit data preceding the new retention period.
    • If you set the retention period for DDNS or DHCP Transaction History to Do Not Retain, the corresponding historical data will not be recorded. In this case, if the feature to export audit data is enabled, that same historical data will not be exported.