Configuring F5 resource pools - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Modify the managed BlueCat DNS/DHCP Servers linked to an F5 resource pool.

Add, disable, enable, or remove managed DNS/DHCP Servers within an LTM or BIG-IP DNS resource pool without using the F5 management interface.

Address Manager displays only the Virtual Servers or listeners to which any pool is associated for all F5 partitions.

To configure the F5 resource pool:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under Servers, click an LTM server or BIG-IP DNS Server name.
  4. Click the server name menu button and select F5 Service Configuration. The Configure Remote Services page opens.
  5. From the Service Type drop-down menu, select Configure Pool. Address Manager queries the LTM server or BIG-IP DNS Server and returns Virtual Servers / Listeners, Pools, and Pool members.
  6. Under General Settings, set the following parameters:
    • Virtual Servers—(LTM only) from the drop-down menu, select a Virtual Server associated with your LTM server. The values of Partition, Pool, and Pool Partition will change depending on the selected Virtual Server.
    • Listeners—(BIG-IP DNS Servers only) from the drop-down menu, select the listener configured on your BIG-IP DNS Server. The values of Partition, Pool, and Pool Partition will change depending on the selected listener.
    • Pool Members—complete any of the following:
      • Add DNS/DHCP Server to the pool—type a name in the Member Name field that will be associated with the DNS/DHCP Server you will add to the pool, then select a managed DNS/DHCP Server from the drop-down menu and click Add. The DNS/DHCP Server appears in the Pool Member list. xHA pairs can be added to an F5 pool.

        Using a Member Name for the DNS/DHCP Server is optional. If you don't enter a Member Name, the IP address of the selected will be used asDNS/DHCP Server the Member Name. This Member Name is primarily for use in the F5 management interface.

      • Enable/disable DNS/DHCP Server within the pool—select either Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu.

        Enable/disable is the status of the DNS/DHCP Server within the F5 resource pool, not the status of the server in Address Manager. By default, DNS/DHCP Servers are enabled when first added to a pool.

      • Remove DNS/DHCP Server from the pool—click Remove.
  7. Click Update.

Address Manager modifies the DNS/DHCP Servers in the F5 resource pool.