Configuring an additional IPv4 address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
Before you configure a DNS Edge service point, you must configure an additional IPv4 address (the service point will listen to this additional IPv4 address) on the Services interface (by default, eth0 or bond0 if bonding is enabled).
Note: If you prefer not to use the DNS/DHCP Server's IPv4 address as the service point IPv4 address, perform only step 1 of this task.
  1. Configure a new IPv4 address on DNS/DHCP Server. *You can apply either Option A or B.
    1. Option A: Configure a new IPv4 address on DNS/DHCP Server in Address Manager. Refer to Additional IP addresses.
    2. Option B: Configure a new IPv4 address on DNS/DHCP Server in Administration Console. Refer to Setting an IPv4 address.
  2. Disable DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager. Refer to Disabling servers.
  3. Remove DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control. Refer to Removing a DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control.
  4. Update the primary IPv4 address of DNS/DHCP Server as the new IPv4 address. Refer to Setting the Primary Service IP address.
  5. Replace server in Address Manager and ensure that the new IPv4 address was detected as the Service IPv4 address. Refer to Replacing a server.
  6. Update any configured DNS Deployment Option for compatibility with the new IPv4 address.
  7. Deploy services (DNS) on DNS/DHCP Server.

Any DNS queries directed towards the new IPv4 address should now be resolved. The service point can be configured using the primary DNS/DHCP Server IPv4 address.