Configuring database settings - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The configure database command allow you to change the database settings.

Attention: You must not use any of the configure database commands on the Primary or Standby servers while database replication is initializing.
  1. From Main Session mode, type configure database and press ENTER.
  2. Press Tab to view a list of available commands, or type ? to view a description of each available item:
    • add—add host to access the primary database
    • delete—remove host access to the primary database
    • exit—exit database configuration with check for any unsaved changes
    • help—display help
    • history—display the current session’s command line history
    • reset—disables replication and places database in standalone mode
    • save—save changes to database configuration
    • show—show database details