Creating a new IPv4 network - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

With an IPv4 block created in Address Manager, you can create an IPv4 network with a defined IP address range, DNS restrictions, assignment options, and DHCP alert settings.

To create a new IPv4 network:

  1. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. Under IPv4 Blocks, click an IPv4 block.
  3. Under Blocks and Networks, click New, and then select IPv4 Network.
  4. Under General, set the address range and name:
    • CIDR Block—select this option and type an address range in CIDR notation, such as 192.168.7/24. The new range must be fully contained within its parent. If the configuration is the parent object, you can specify any range.
    • Address Range—select this option and type an address range in the From and To fields. The address range must conform to CIDR boundaries.
    • Address and Netmask—select this option and type the starting IP address and netmask in the Address and Netmask fields.
    • Name—enter a name for the network. This name is used only in Address Manager and is not deployed to servers.
    • Location—(Optional) select a location from the drop-down menu on which the IP object that you are adding or editing will be based. The most frequently used location objects are at the top of the list.
      • Inherited Location—displays the location annotation that is inherited from the parent object. If you don't include a location, this default location will be used for the current object and its child objects.
    • Add Default Gateway—select this option to set the network gateway as the second address in the network.
    • Custom Gateway—select this option and type an IP address in the field to specify a custom location for the network gateway.
    • Select Template—select a network template from the drop-down list to apply standard settings to an IPv4 network, such as the gateway address, reserved addresses, DHCP ranges, or IP group. This option becomes available when there's at least one network template created.
    • Default View—select a view from the list. The selected view is inherited by addresses within the network. For IP addresses that are assigned to multiple views, the default view determines the view to which the IP address is assigned.
  5. Under DNS Restrictions, set the zones or views to restrict the IPv4 network to be used in:
    • Options—select the radio button beside Use Inherited Values if possible to inherit the parent object’s DNS restrictions. Selecting this option auto-populates the Inherited Values: field with the name of the DNS zone or view, defined in the parent object.

      Select the radio button beside Override to configure a network-specific DNS restrictions setting. If you select this option, the value of the Inherited Values: field is None.

    • DNS Restrictions—select a DNS zone or view from the drop-down list and click Add Another. The selected view or zone displays in the DNS Restrictions list. You can add multiple views and zones to the list. To remove an item from the list, select it from the list and click Remove.
      • Any DNS zone or view you add to the DNS Restrictions list is restricted for use only in the specified IPv4 network. The IPv4 network is also restricted for use only in the specified view(s) and zone(s).
      • You can't add an IPv4 network to a DNS view or zone if that DNS view or zone contains IP addresses outside of that IPv4 network.
  6. Under Default Domains, set the zones, containing domains, to be used when you are configuring the host name for an IPv4 address. The default domains help ensure accuracy when specifying the host name for an IPv4 address. When this is configured, you don't have to type the complete FQDN(s); you can select the name from a list of available domains.
    • Options—select the radio button beside the Use Inherited Values if possible to inherit the parent object’s default domains configuration. Select the radio button beside Override to configure a block-specific default domains setting.
    • Inherited Values—If you select the Use Inherited Values if possible in the Options field, the DNS zone, defined in the parent block object, is automatically filled. If you select the Override in the Options field, this value is always None.
    • Default Domains—type or select a DNS zone from the list and select Add Another. The selected zone appears in the default domains list. You can add multiple domains to the list. To remove a domain, select it from the list and select Remove. To change the order of domains in the list, select a domain in the list and select Move up or Move down.
      Note: If DNS restrictions are set in the DNS Restrictions list, the default view and default domains must be located in the view and zone restrictions.

      The zones specified here will be available in the Host Name field, when you are assigning an IPv4 address.

  7. Under Assignment Options, set the following options:
    • Duplicate Name Check—select Enable to prevent the use of duplicate host names in networks within the network, or select Disable to allow the use of duplicate host names.
      • When setting this option at a top-level network, only the Enable and Disable options are available.
      • When setting this option for a child network, the Inherited option is available. Select Inherited to have the network inherit the duplicate name check setting of its parent object. By default, all child blocks and networks inherit the duplicate name check setting.
    • Ping Before Assign—select Enable to have Address Manager ping IP addresses before assigning them, or select Disable to have Address Manager assign addresses without checking their availability. When Address Manager pings an address and finds that it's in use, Address Manager indicates that the address is in use and can't be assigned.
      • When setting this option at a top-level network, only the Enable and Disable options are available.
      • When setting this option for a child network, the Inherited option is available. Select Inherited to have the network inherit the ping before assign setting of its parent object. By default, all child blocks and networks inherit the ping before assign setting.
  8. Under DHCP Alert Settings, set the values for DHCP alerts:
    • Inherit Watermark Value from Parent—when selected, the network inherits the DHCP alert settings from its parent object.
    • Low Watermark—triggers an alert when DHCP use falls below this value (when too few addresses are being used).

    • High Watermark—triggers an alert when a DHCP use rises above this value (when too many addresses are being used).

      Note: If you are using a shared network in DHCP, a DHCP alert notification for all networks inside the shared network will be sent as a single entity notification using the DHCP alert set at the configuration level. DHCP alerts for each individual network within any shared network will also be sent only if object-specific DHCP alerts are set at the network or DHCPv4 range level.
  9. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  10. Click Add to add the network and return to the Address Space tab, or click Add Next to add another network.