DHCP Raw options - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

DHCP Raw options can be used to add DHCP options that aren't directly supported by Address Manager.

A Raw option is passed to the DHCP service on the managed server exactly as you type it in the Raw Data field. Therefore, it's essential that you enter the data with the correct syntax. There's no error checking or data checking on the raw option. In the event of a syntax error in a DHCP Raw option, DHCP service will stop then roll back to the previous DHCP configuration, resulting in a service outage.

You can add DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 Raw options at these levels:
  • Server group (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6)
  • Server (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6)
  • Network (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6)
  • IP range (DHCPv6 only)
  • DHCP range (DHCPv4 and DHCPv6)
  • DHCP reserved address (DHCPv4 only)
  • Match class (DHCPv4 only)
  • Match class value (DHCPv4 only)
  • MAC pool (DHCPv4 only)
  • MAC address (DHCPv4 only)
Raw options aren't inherited between levels. They can't be set at the configuration level or the IP block level because options set at these levels wouldn't be inherited below.
Note: Exception—Raw options assigned to a server group are inherited only by the servers that are linked to that server group.
Attention: Configuring DNS and DHCP Raw options on a server group
DNS and DHCP Raw options aren't overridden if a Raw option is configured at the server group level and the individual server level. During the deployment to the individual server, the Raw options are either included or omitted based on the following scenarios:
  • Configuring different deployment option on the server group and server

    If a Raw option is configured on a server group and a different Raw option is configured on an individual server that's associated to that server group, the Raw options are included and subsequently deployed to the individual server. For example, if Raw option Raw_Option_1 is specified on the server group and Raw option Raw_Option_2 is specified on a specific server that's associated to that server group, the deployment to the specific server would contain both Raw_Option_1 and Raw_Option_2.

  • Configuring identical deployment options on the Server Group and server

    If a Raw option is configured at a server group and an identical Raw option is configured on an individual server that's associated to that server group, one of the duplicate Raw options is omitted and the option is deployed only once to the individual server. For example, if Raw option Raw_Option_1 is specified at the server group and Raw option Raw_Option_1 is specified on a specific server that's associated to that server group, the deployment to the specific server would only contain one instance of Raw_Option_1.