DNS/DHCP Server polled objects - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Lists the DNS/DHCP Server-specific SNMP polled objects.

The following table lists the DNS/DHCP Server-specific SNMP polled objects in the files BCN-DHCPV4-MIB.mib, BCN-DNS-MIB.mib, BCN-TFTP-MIB.mib, BCN-NTP-MIB.mib, BCN-COMMANDSERVER-MIB.mib, BCN-SYSTEM-MIB.mib, and BCN-HA-MIB.mib.

Each DNS/DHCP Server MIB OID (object identifier) begins with the following prefix:

. (iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprise.bluecatnetworks)

All DNS/DHCP Server object IDs begin with the same prefix, but it's omitted from the OID column below.


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnDhcpv4SerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
.bcnDhcpv4FirstAlertIpAddr . Read-only Returns the IP address identifying either subnet or pool for which the available IPs have been exhausted
Attention: This OID has been deprecated.
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseStatsSuccess . Read-only Number of successful DHCP leases issued per second
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseTable . Not-accessible Current lease table
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseEntry . Not-accessible Information about a particular DHCP lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseIP . Not-accessible IP address of the lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseStartTime . Read-only Start time of the lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseEndTime . Read-only End time of the lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseTimeStamp . Read-only Timestamp for the lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseMacAddress . Read-only The Hardware address (MAC address) of the lease
.bcnDhcpv4LeaseHostname . Read-only The client hostname of the lease
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetTable . Not-accessible Current subnet table
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetEntry . Not-accessible Information about a particular DHCP subnet
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetIP . Not-accessible IP address of the subnet
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetMask . Read-only IP mask of the subnet
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetSize . Read-only Size of the subnet
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetFreeAddresses . Read-only Number of IP addresses available in the subnet
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetLowThreshold . Read-only Low threshold for available free addresses in the subnet
Attention: This OID has been deprecated.
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetHighThreshold . Read-only High threshold for available free addresses in the subnet
Attention: This OID has been deprecated.
.bcnDhcpv4PoolTable . Not-accessible Current pool table
.bcnDhcpv4PoolEntry . Not-accessible Information about a particular DHCP pool
.bcnDhcpv4PoolStartIP . Not-accessible Start IP address in the pool
.bcnDhcpv4PoolEndIP . Read-only End IP address in the pool
.bcnDhcpv4PoolSubnetIP . Read-only Subnet IP address of the pool
.bcnDhcpv4PoolSize . Read-only The size of the pool
.bcnDhcpv4PoolFreeAddresses . Read-only The number of IP addresses available in the pool
.bcnDhcpv4FixedIPTable . Not-accessible Current DHCP subnet tables in configuration
.bcnDhcpv4FixedIPEntry . Not-accessible Information about a particular DHCP subnet
.bcnDhcpv4FixedIP . Read-only One of the current fixed IP addresses in the DHCPv4 configuration
.bcnDhcpv4AlarmSeverity . Accessible-for-notify Severity classification for the alarm
.bcnDhcpv4AlarmInfo . Accessible-for-notify Descriptive information about the alarm event
.bcnDhcpv4FailOverState . Accessible-for-notify Current state of the DHCP failover:
  • 1—Startup
  • 2—Normal
  • 3—Communications interrupted
  • 4—Partner down
  • 5—Potential conflict
  • 6—Recover
  • 7—Paused
  • 8—Shutdown
  • 9—Recover done
  • 254—Recover wait
.bcnDhcpv4SubnetAlertIpAddr . Accessible-for-notify Returns the IP address identifying a subnet for which the available IPs have been exhausted


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnDnsSerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
.bcnDnsSerNumberOfZones . Read-only Number of zones loaded
.bcnDnsSerTransfersRunning . Read-only Number of zone transfers currently in progress
.bcnDnsSerTransfersDeferred . Read-only Number of zone transfers currently deferred
.bcnDnsSerSOAQueriesInProgress . Read-only Number of SOA queries in progress
.bcnDnsSerQueryLogging . Read-only State of query logging:
  • 1—On
  • 2—Off
.bcnDnsSerDebugLevel . Read-only Debug log level. Ranges from 0 to 99:
  • 0—No logging
  • 99—Maximum level of logging
.bcnDnsStatSrvQrySuccess . Read-only Queries resulted in a successful answer
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryReferral . Read-only Queries resulted in referral answer
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryNXRRSet . Read-only Queries resulted in non-existent record responses with no data
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryNXDomain . Read-only Queries resulted in non-existent domain responses with no data
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryRecursion . Read-only Queries which caused the server to perform recursion lookups to find the final answer
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryFailure . Read-only Number of failed queries that didn't result in non-existent domain or record
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryFORMERR . Read-only Number of queries that returned FORMERR
.bcnDnsStatSrvQrySERVFAIL . Read-only Number of queries that returned SERVFAIL
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryDuplicate . Read-only Number of queries that were being processed with an existing IP address, port, query ID, name, type, and class
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryDropped . Read-only Number of queries that were dropped due to the excessive processing of queries with an existing IP address, port, query ID, name, type, and class
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryAuthAns . Read-only Number of queries that returned an authoritative answer
.bcnDnsStatSrvQryNoauthAns . Read-only Number of queries that returned a non authoritative answer
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT10 . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are between 0 (inclusively) and 10 (exclusively) milliseconds
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT100 . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are between 10 (inclusively) and 100 (exclusively) milliseconds
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT500 . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are between 100 (inclusively) and 500 (exclusively) milliseconds
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT800 . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are between 500 (inclusively) and 800 (exclusively) milliseconds
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT1600 . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are between 800 (inclusively) and 1600 (exclusively)
.bcnDnsStatAllViewQryRTT1600Plus . Read-only Number of queries whose round trip times are 1600 milliseconds (inclusively) or greater


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnTftpSerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
.bcnTftpSerDirs . Read-only Number of directories on the TFTP sub-tree
.bcnTftpSerFiles . Read-only Number of files on the TFTP sub-tree
.bcnTftpSerFilesSize . Read-only The sum of the size of all files in kilobytes
.bcnTftpSerPartialList . Read-only The TFTP information is partial


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnNtpSerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault
.bcnNtpSysLeap . Read-only Two-bit warning of an impending leap second to be inserted in the NTP timescale
.bcnNtpSysStratum . Read-only Indicating the stratum of the local clock:
  • 0—Unspecified
  • 1—Primary reference
  • 2 to 255—Secondary reference
.bcnNtpSysPrecision . Read-only Signed integer indicating the precision of the various clocks, in seconds to the nearest power of two
.bcnNtpSysRootDelay . Read-only The total roundtrip delay to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet, in seconds.
.bcnNtpSysRootDispersion . Read-only The maximum error relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet, in seconds
.bcnNtpSysRefld . Read-only The particular reference clock
.bcnNtpSysRefTime . Read-only The local time when the local clock was last updated
.bcnNtpSysPoll . Read-only The minimum interval between transmitted messages, in seconds as a power of two
.bcnNtpSysPeer . Read-only The NTP System Peer; This is used for providing certain system variables related to NTP
.bcnNtpSysFreq . Read-only The clock frequency offset
.bcnNtpSysclock . Read-only The current local time
.bcnNtpSysSystem . Read-only The type of the local operating system
.bcnNtpSysProcessor . Read-only The type of the local processor
.bcnNtpSysJitter . Read-only Indicates how much the individual pulses vary from second to second
.bcnNtpPeersVarTable . Not-accessible A table listing the peers known to the server and summary information of their state
.bcnNtpPeersVarEntry . Not-accessible A logical row in the bcnNtpPeersVarTable
.bcnNtpPeersAssocId . Not-accessible Assocation ID of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersConfigured . Read-only A bit indicating that the association was created from configuration information and shouldn't be demobilized if the peer becomes unreachable
.bcnNtpPeersPeerAddressType . Read-only The internet address type of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersPeerAddress . Read-only The internet address of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersPeerPort . Read-only 16-bit port number of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersHostAddressType . Read-only The internet address type of the host
.bcnNtpPeersHostAddress . Read-only The internet address of the host
.bcnNtpPeersHostPort . Read-only 16-bit port number of the host
.bcnNtpPeersLeap . Read-only Two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be inserted in the NTP timescale
.bcnNtpPeersMode . Read-only The association mode:
  • 0—Unspecified
  • 1—Symmetric active
  • 2—Symmetric passive
  • 3—Client
  • 4—Server
  • 5—Broadcast
  • 6—Reserved for NTP control messages
  • 7—Reserved for private use
.bcnNtpPeersStratum . Read-only Indicates the stratum of the peer clock:
  • 0—Unspecified
  • 1—Primary reference
  • 2 to 255—Secondary reference
.bcnNtpPeersPeerPoll . Read-only Poll interval of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersHostPoll . Read-only Poll interval of the host
.bcnNtpPeersPrecision . Read-only Signed integer indicating the precision of the various clocks, in seconds to the nearest power of two
.bcnNtpPeersRootDelay . Read-only The total roundtrip delay to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet, in seconds
.bcnNtpPeersRootDispersion . Read-only The maximum error relative to the primary reference source at the root of the synchronization subnet, in seconds
.bcnNtpPeersRefId . Read-only The particular reference clock
.bcnNtpPeersRefTime . Read-only The local time when the local clock was last updated
.bcnNtpPeersOrgTime . Read-only The local time at the peer when its lastest NTP message was sent
.bcnNtpPeersReceiveTime . Read-only The local time when the latest NTP message from the peer arrived
.bcnNtpPeersTransmitTime . Read-only The local time at which the NTP message departed the sender
.bncNtpPeersReach . Read-only A shift register of NTP.WINDOW bits used to determine the reachability status of the peer
.bcnNtpPeersOffset . Read-only Filter offset
.bcnNtpPeersDelay . Read-only Filter delay
.bcnNtpPeersDispersion . Read-only Filter dispersion
.bcnNtpPeersJitter . Read-only Indicates how much the individual pulses vary from second to second


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnHaSerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Standalone
  • 2—Active
  • 3—Passive
  • 4—Stopped
  • 5—Stopping
  • 6—BecomingActive
  • 7—BecomingPassive
  • 8—Fault


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnCommandServerSerOperState . Read-only Current running state of the service:
  • 1—Running
  • 2—Not running
  • 3—Starting
  • 4—Stopping
  • 5—Fault


SNMP Object OID Access Description
.bcnSysIdProduct . Read-only OIDs for the object obtained from BCN-PRODUCTS-MIB
.bcnSysIdOSRelease . Read-only The BlueCat Networks running OS release
.bcnSysIdSerial . Read-only Serial number usually assigned to a platform
.bcnSysIdServiceTag . Read-only Manufacturer service tag
Attention: This OID has been deprecated.
.bcnSysIdPlatform . Read-only Platform identification