Deployment schedules - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

A deployment schedule allows you to automate deployment to managed DNS/DHCP Servers by setting a start time and frequency interval.

You can set a deployment schedule from the Servers tab of the Address Manager user interface.

The Deployment Schedules section displays the following information:
  • Name—the name of the deployment schedule.
  • Start Time—the date and time the deployment schedule is to start.
  • Frequency—the frequency at which the deployment schedule is run.
  • Servers—the servers to which the deployment schedule is applied. To view all servers in the deployment schedule, hold the cursor over a server name.
  • Active—indicates if the deployment schedule is active or inactive.
Note: Manually validate deployment data prior to scheduled deployments. For details, refer to Validating deployment.

To add a deployment schedule:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the Servers tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Expand the Deployment Schedules section and click New.
  4. Under General, enter a descriptive name for the schedule in the Name field.
  5. Under Scheduled Time, set the time and frequency for the schedule:
    • Start Time—enter the start time in these fields and select AM or PM.
    • Start Date—enter a date in the format DD MMM YYYY or click the calendar button to select a date.
    • Frequency—to deploy just once at the specified time and date, select Once. To deploy at a regular interval, select Every, enter a value in the text field, and select a time interval from the drop-down list.
      Attention: If your preferred browser locale does not match the configured Address Manager system language locale, you may experience issues with the date component within Address Manager. If you cannot configure the date component, you must update the browser locale to match the configured Address Manager system language locale. By default, the Address Manager system language locale is configured to English [en-US].

      For more information on supported Address Manager system languages and configuring the Address Manager locale, refer to Setting system language.

      Note: When setting the frequency and time interval, consider the amount of time needed to complete the deployment. Don't select a time interval shorter than the time needed to complete a deployment.
  6. Under Servers, set the servers for the deployment:
    1. Click Add server.
    2. Select the check boxes of the server or servers you want to add and click Select. The selected server appears in the Servers section.
    3. Click Remove to remove a server from the list.
      Note: Once you add a server the Deployment Preference section appears.
  7. Under Services, select the check boxes for the services to be deployed:
    • DNS
    • DHCP
    • DHCPv6
    • TFTP
    Note: Currently, scheduled deployment data validation isn't available for DHCPv6 and TFTP.
  8. Under Deployment Preference, select the Force DNS full deployment check box if you want to force Address Manager to perform a full deployment of all DNS configuration data at the scheduled interval(s). By default, Address Manager attempts to perform a differential deployment when possible (deployment of only DNS resource record changes, if these are the only changes made since last deployment). First deployments and changes to DNS zones, DNS deployment options or roles, DNSSEC keys, TSIG keys, Kerberos principals, server groups, or other objects outside of DNS resource records will still result in a full deployment if this box is left unchecked.
  9. Under Status, set the state of the deployment schedule:
    • Active—selected by default, this makes the schedule active and deployment occurs at the specified time or frequency. If deselected, the schedule is inactive and deployment doesn't occur.
      Note: You can activate or deactivate selected scheduled deployments in a single action from the Servers tab. For details, refer to Activating or deactivating deployment schedules.
  10. Under Deployment Data Validation, select the Validate Only check box.
    Attention: Selecting the Validate Only check box schedules only deployment data validation, NOT the actual deployment.
    Note: Currently, scheduled deployment data validation isn't available for DHCPv6 and TFTP.
  11. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  12. Click Add.
    For instructions on how to view the status of all active deployments, refer to Tracking deployment.

    For more information on full and differential DNS deployment, refer to Types of deployment.