Enabling SNMP Service - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Log in to the BAM user interface as the administrator to enable SNMP service and configure parameters. You can also enable and configure SNMP Trap service. For details, refer to Enabling SNMP Trap Service.

Note: When configuring SNMP from the BAM user interface, you might receive the error message, "loglevel can't be blank," even though there's no option to configure log level.
Note: SNMP community strings, usernames, and pass-phrases don't support spaces, Unicode characters, or the following special characters: " ' ` / \ % & ? < > $

To enable and configure SNMP service on the BAM server:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Administration page.
  2. Under General, click Service Configuration.
  3. From the Service Type drop-down menu, select Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). BAM queries the server and returns the current values for the service settings.
  4. Under General Settings, select the Enable SNMP Service check box. When SNMP service is enabled, network management systems may poll the server to receive SNMP information. Deselect this check box to disable SNMP service.
  5. Configure the following SNMP Service parameters:
    • System Name—enter the system name to be reported through SNMP (by default, Bluecat).
    • System Location—enter a description of the system’s location to be reported through SNMP.
    • System Contact—enter an e-mail address for the system contact to be reported through SNMP.
    • System Description—enter a brief description of the system to be reported through SNMP.
    • Polling Period—specify the SNMP polling period in seconds. This value determines the frequency that SNMP values are refreshed on the appliance.
    • SNMP Version v1—select the check box to enable SNMP v1 protocol. When selecting v1, the following additional parameter appears:
      • Community String—type the SNMP community string. This string is used to authenticate the polling request.
    • SNMP Version v2c—select the check box to enable SNMP v2c protocol. When selecting v2c, the following additional parameter appears:
      • Community String—type the SNMP community string. This string is used to authenticate the polling request.
    • SNMP Version v3—select the check box to enable SNMP v3 protocol. When selecting v3, the following additional parameters appear:
      • Security Level—this field appears only when using SNMP version 3. Select an SNMP security level from the drop-down list:
        Option Description
        No Auth, No Priv No Authentication, No Privacy. The SNMP service doesn't require user authentication and doesn't encrypt the data it returns.
        Auth, No Priv Authentication, No Privacy. The SNMP service requires user authentication but doesn't encrypt the data it returns.
        Auth, Priv Authentication, Privacy. The SNMP service requires user authentication and encrypts the data it returns.
      • Username—enter the SNMP username for the SNMP user. This field appears only when using SNMP version 3.
      • Authentication Type—select either MD5 or SHA authentication. This drop-down menu appears only when using SNMP version 3 and when Auth, No Priv, or Auth, Priv is selected in the Security Level field.
      • Auth Passphrase—type the user authentication password of the SNMP user. This field appears only when using SNMP version 3 and when Auth, No Priv or Auth, Priv is selected in the Security Level field.
      • Privacy Type—select either DES or AES 128 encryption types. This drop-down menu appears only when using SNMP version 3 and when Auth, Priv is selected in the Security Level field.
      • Privacy Passphrase—enter the privacy authentication password used to encrypt the trap data. This field appears only when using SNMP version 3 and when Auth, Priv is selected in the Security Level field.
  6. Click Update to apply your changes.