Configure the BAM server to send SNMP Trap notifications to a
specified trap server. The trap server is the server to which BAM communicates specified changes in its status by sending
SNMP traps. The trap server can be configured to use SNMP version 1, 2c, or 3. This
may be a different address from the SNMP polling server or manager address that's
set up when enabling the service. In SNMPv3, trap messages can be authenticated with
a trap server username and password.
Note: BAM supports the configuration of
multiple SNMP Trap servers.
Note: SNMP Trap
community strings, usernames, and pass-phrases don't support
spaces, Unicode characters, or the following special characters:
" ' ` / \ % & ? < > $
To enable and configure SNMP Trap service on the BAM server:
To enable a configured SNMP Trap Server
- Select the check box next to the SNMP Trap server that you want to enable.
- Under SNMP Trap Servers, click Action and select Enable. The Status field of the SNMP Trap server changes to Enabled.
- Click Update.
To disable a configured SNMP Trap Server
- Select the check box next to the SNMP Trap server that you want to disable.
- Under SNMP Trap Servers, click Action and select Disable. The Status field of the SNMP Trap server changes to Disabled.
- Click Update.
To delete a configured SNMP Trap Server
- Select the check box next to the SNMP Trap server that you want to delete.
- Under SNMP Trap Servers, click Action and select Delete. The SNMP Trap server row is removed from the Trap Server table.
- Click Update.