Enabling port bonding when VLANs are already created - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Enable port bonding on DNS/DHCP Servers even though VLAN interfaces have already been created (VLANs should be always be created before configuring bonding).

BlueCat advises any customers that require VLAN tagging on top of port bonding to configure bonding before configuring VLAN interfaces. However, if you created VLANs prior to configuring the bonding interface, perform the following procedure to enable port bonding with your VLANs.

To enable port bonding with existing VLAN interfaces:

  1. Disable the DNS/DHCP Server in the Address Manager user interface (Servers tab > server name > Disable).
  2. From the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console, remove the server from Address Manager control.
    Adonis> configure system
    Adonis:configure:system> set state no-proteus-control
  3. From the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console, set a temporary Primary Service IP address on eth0 (you will set the proper Primary Service IP later in this procedure). If the Primary Service IP is already configured on eth0, go to step 4.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> modify eth0
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0> set primary <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0> save
    Note: The temporary Primary Service IP shouldn't be the same IP address or on the same subnet as the IP address you intend to use in your production environment. For more information, refer to Setting the Primary Service IP address.
  4. From the DNS/DHCP Server Administration Console, remove all VLAN interfaces. Repeat for all VLAN interfaces on the server.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> remove <vlan-interface>
    Please confirm the removal of requested interface(Y/y or N/n)?y
    Removed interface successfully
  5. Enable bonding from the Administration Console.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> add bonding-interface
    Adonis:configure:interfaces:bond0> set bond-mode active-backup
    Adonis:configure:interfaces:bond0> save
    This operation will disconnect SSH connections
  6. Re-add the VLAN interface that was previously configured with the Primary Service IP address. Set its parent interface as bond0 and assign it an IP address to set as the Primary Service IP. The IP address must not be the same address or on the same subnet as the temporary IP address set as the Primary Service IP in step 3.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> add vlan-interface vlan-id <1> parent bond0
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> add address <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> set primary <ipv4|ipv6address>
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> save
  7. From the Address Manager user interface, replace the server to take the DNS/DHCP Server back under Address Manager control (Server tab > server name > Replace).
  8. Recreate VLAN interfaces from the Address Manager user interface (Servers tab > Service Configuration > Interfaces).
  9. Remove the temporary IP address on eth0 you configured in step 3.
    Adonis> configure interfaces
    Adonis:configure:interfaces> modify eth0
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> remove <ipv4|ipv6address/CIDR>
    Adonis:configure:interface:eth0.1> save