Finding the first unassigned IPv4 address - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Search for the first unassigned IPv4 network within an IPv4 block.

The Find First Unassigned IPv4 Address feature lets you find the next available IPv4 address in a configuration, IP block, or IP network. This feature may be restricted by user access rights. The Find First Unassigned IPv4 Address function is available on the configuration, IP block, and IP network pages.
Note: When using the Find First Unassigned IP Address function from the configuration level, Address Manager searches the IPv4 blocks in the order in which they appear in the IPv4 Blocks section of the IPv4 tab.

To find the first unassigned IPv4 address:

  • On the IP Address Space or Address Space tab, click Action and select Find First Unassigned IPv4 Address. The Assign Selected IP Addresses page appears with the first available address selected.
From here, you can set the assignment for the IP address.