HA Active Health Status - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
You can view the health status of Address Manager using the following URL in your browser: [BAM IP]/servlets/health.
Note: A BAM node in replication must exist in Address Manager before you can use the HA Health Status.
Note: The following must be true for an unhealthy Address Manager:
  • The round trip time from the application to the database is more than 3 seconds
  • The database is not connected

Once you enter the URL, you will receive a JSON response.

Response for a healthy Address Manager

A healthy Address Manager results in a 200 HTTP response that includes the following JSON response:

{"timeToDatabase":2,"connectionStatus":"The Application to Database connection is healthy."}

Response for an unhealthy Address Manager

An unhealthy Address Manager results in a 503 HTTP response. The HTTP response also includes one of the following JSON responses:

If round trip time from the application to the database is more than 3 seconds:
{"timeToDatabase":3024,"connectionStatus":"The Application to Database connection is not healthy. Round Trip time was more than 3 seconds."}
If the database is not connected:
{"timeToDatabase":-1,"connectionStatus":"The Application to Database connection is not healthy. Could not connect to the database within 3000 milliseconds."}