HTTP and HTTPS support - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) combines standard HTTP with TLS/SSL protocol to provide more secure communication when browsing the Internet. Standard HTTP and HTTPS are enabled by default in clean/new installations of Address Manager. Address Manager uses a pre-configured self-signed certificate so you can access Address Manager using HTTPS right out of the box.

There are multiple ways to configure HTTPS on Address Manager:
  • HTTP service is enabled by default.
  • HTTPS might be disabled for customers upgrading to Address Manager v9.3.0 who might have modified HTTPS settings in a previous version of Address Manager.
  • The redirection of HTTP requests to HTTPS can only be achieved through the Address Manager user interface.
Note: Modifying HTTP or HTTPS service requires a restart of the Address Manager server. BlueCat recommends performing any changes to HTTP or HTTPS service during a scheduled maintenance window in order to avoid service outages.