Summary of special considerations customers should be aware of when using high availability in a VLAN environment.
- With xHA enabled, all xHA services run over the physical xHA interface (eth1), and another instance of the xHA heartbeat runs over the primary service IP address.
- If xHA is disabled, all xHA services run over the primary service IP address, whether this address belongs to a physical interface (eth0, bond0) or to a VLAN interface.
- The floating virtual IP (VIP) address is only supported on the primary service IP and the dedicated management IP. Non-primary IPs on the service interfaces (eth0, bond0, VLANs) are treated as floating and are automatically migrated to the passive node during xHA failover.
xHA with VLAN before xHA failover
xHA with VLAN after xHA failover
- Virtual IP address and VLAN IP addresses migrate between nodes on xHA failover.
- xHA private IP addresses are static to each node and don't migrate on xHA failover.
What are the special considerations for VLAN tagging and xHA?
- Customers using DHCP service with xHA and VLANs need to set the Server Identifier DHCP Service option. For details, refer toDHCP with VLAN and xHA .
- Routes aren't automatically synchronized between xHA pairs. However, it's possible to configure synchronization of routes between nodes of an xHA pair. For more information, refer to Knowledge Base article 15314 on BlueCat Customer Care.
- If your network environment requires you to change the Primary Service IP address to a VLAN interface (instead of the default eth0 interface), both the Active and Passive nodes must have the Primary Service IP address on the same VLAN.