IP groups and access rights - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

After creating an IP group, specify the access right for a user or group so that the only specified users or user groups have the access to the IP group.

After you create IPv4 groups and have set access right for users or user groups, you will be able to better manage the IP addresses in that group. For example, IP grouping allows you to find any issues with IP addresses easily by isolating them into a smaller and more manageable group. Create an IP group by department, users, or region to make it easier to identify the root cause of a problem.

To grant access rights to an IP group:

  1. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  3. From the IPv4 network level, click the IP Groups tab. In the IP Groups section, click an IP group.
  4. Under Access Rights, click New Access Right Settings.
  5. Under Users and Groups, specify the users or user groups to which the right applies.
  6. Under Access Right, select one of the following access rights to apply to the users and user groups:
    • Hide—objects are hidden from the user.
    • View—users can see objects but can't add, delete, or change objects.
    • Change—users can see and change objects, but can't add or delete objects.
    • Add—users can see, add, and change objects, but can't delete objects.
    • Full Access—users can see, add, change, and delete objects.
    • If you set access rights at the IP group level, the access rights set at the network level won't be inherited to the IPv4 addresses in the IP groups. However, you still need to grant at least view access at the network level for users (who have access rights to IP groups in that network) so they can assign IP addresses successfully within their IP groups. Without view access rights at the network level, the user won’t be able to see what addresses they have available for allocation because these objects can only be seen at the network level.
    • If access override for an IPv4 group is selected when setting access rights on any parent objects of IP group, the override setting will only be applied to IPv4 group objects but not to IPv4 addresses under the IP group objects.
  7. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  8. Click Add.