IPv4 network gateways - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The gateway-option attribute is no longer supported in the new migration engine. When specifying the gateway address of a network, the following options are available:

Specify a gateway address: <ip4-network range=”” … gateway-address=””>

Use the default address: <ip4-network range=”” … gateway-address=”default”>
Tip: Omitting the gateway-address attribute when creating a new network will also use the default gateway address.

No gateway address: <ip4-network range=”” … gateway-address=”none”>

Leave the address unchanged (merging networks): omit the gateway-address attribute.

Modifying the gateway of an existing network

When modifying the gateway of an existing network with on-exist=”merge-object”, the migration engine will implement the gateway address change as follows:

Destination address is unallocated: The original gateway address is changed to a STATIC state and retains its associated data and links.

Destination address is already allocated: Refused if the address is in a DHCP-related state (DHCP_ALLOCATED, DHCP_FREE, DHCP_RESERVED, or DHCP_LEASED). If not in a DHCP-related state, the state of the destination address is changed to GATEWAY. Data and links associated with the destination address remain on the new gateway address. The original gateway address is changed to a STATIC state and retains its associated data and links.