IPv6 objects - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
Object Type Description
IPv6 Address Represents a single IPv6 address.
IPv6 Address Range Represents a generic object related to IPv6 Blocks and IPv6 Networks. Use this object to set user-defined fields common to IPv4 Block and IPv4 Network objects.
IPv6 Block Represents a block of unallocated IPv6 addresses. IPv6 Block objects are nestable; a block may contain other blocks. An IPv6 Block is the parent for IPv6 Network.
IPv6 Network Represents a group of IPv6 addresses that can be assigned to IP hosts. The parent object is always an IPv6 Block. Child objects are IPv4 Addresses.
IPv6 Reconciliation Policy Represents the parameters for network discovery through the IPv6 Reconciliation function. Includes the parameters for connecting to the router, a list of overridden IPv6 addresses, and the state time and frequency of the policy.