Logging in to Address Manager - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

For increased security, you must log on to the Address Manager server and log off when you stop using it.

Supported browsers

Address Manager is officially supported on Internet Explorer® 11, Firefox® 75 or greater, Microsoft Edge 79 or greater, and Chrome™ 81 or greater. For Address Manager to run properly, your browser should allow pop-ups and have cookies and JavaScript enabled.
Attention: If your preferred browser locale does not match the configured Address Manager system language locale, you may experience issues with the date component within Address Manager. If you cannot configure the date component, you must update the browser locale to match the configured Address Manager system language locale. By default, the Address Manager system language locale is configured to English [en-US].

For more information on supported Address Manager system languages and configuring the Address Manager locale, refer to Setting system language.

To log in to Address Manager:

  1. From a web browser, go to https://hostname/ where hostname is the fully qualified domain name of the Address Manager server. On a local network, you can simply enter the local IP address of the Address Manager server.
  2. Enter your username and password and click Login. For more information on default login credential for Address Manager, refer to BlueCat default login credentials (you must be authenticated to view this topic).
    Attention: For security reasons, BlueCat strongly recommends changing the default password. For more information, refer to Changing your password.