Mail service - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can configure the Address Manager mail service to send email using a particular SMTP host.

Note: This section describes how to configure the SMTP host and sender address. To start the email notification service and subscribe to events, set up a notification group as detailed in Managing notification groups. The email address associated with the user in the notification group is the mail service destination address. To configure user accounts, refer to Managing Address Manager users.

You can view current mail settings and modify it as needed. To view current mail settings, use show mail from the Main Session mode or use show in Mail Service configuration mode.

Proteus> show mail
Email =
SMTP Host =
Press Tab to view a list of available commands, or type ? to view a description of each available item:
  • Exit—exit mail configuration mode with a check for any unsaved changes.
  • Help—display help information
  • History—display the current session’s command line history.
  • Save—save changes to mail service.
  • Set—set mail service properties.
  • Show—display mail details