Monitoring database replication latency - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Configure an SNMP trap server to collect information on the average latency between the Primary and Standby server.

When Address Manager database replication is configured, the database of the Primary server is replicated to the Standby server. Monitoring the database latency between the Primary and Standby servers provides insight as to how far behind the Standby server is compared to the Primary server.

The latency of database replication is calculated as the delay in time from creation of the WAL file on the Primary server to the completion of processing the WAL file on the Standby server. If two Standby servers are configured, the value is calculated as the average replication latency of the two servers. The latency of database replication might change based on the following factors:
  • Load on the Primary server
  • Load on the Secondary server
  • Network capacity and utilization between the Primary and Standby server

When configuring SNMP polling for the database replication latency value, BlueCat recommends capturing values over an interval to establish a baseline for normal replication latency in your environment.

To monitor the database replication latency, you must first configure the SNMP service on Address Manager from the BlueCat Address Manager System page of the Address Manager user interface by navigating to Administration > General > Service Configuration. Once you have configured the SNMP service on Address Manager, you must configure the SNMP monitor or trap to poll for the .replicationAverageLatency MIB.

For more information on configuring the SNMP service on Address Manager, refer to Configuring SNMP on Address Manager. For more information on the MIB definitions, refer to SNMP Manager setup and BlueCat MIB files.