Moving and merging IPv4 networks - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

With an IPv4 block created in Address Manager, you can merge two or more IPv4 networks into a single network.

To merge IPv4 networks, select two or more networks, and then determine which network retains its identity. A network’s identity includes deployment roles, network names, and gateway addresses, if they exist. During the merge operation, the IP addresses from all networks and their associated types are retained in the larger network. At the end of the operation, the other network or networks are removed.
Note: Resize and merge operations cannot be performed on a /31 network if a DHCP range is present on the network.
Note: /32 networks cannot be merged.
You can also move IPv4 networks to change the IP address at which the network begins.
Note: The network being moved must fit within the new parent object and it must not overlap its sibling objects. You can't move a network directly beneath a configuration; it must be a child of a block.
Note: If you move an IPv4 network that contains abandoned IPv4 addresses, the abandoned IPv4 addresses will automatically change their state to Static. For more information on abandoned IPv4 addresses, refer to Managing abandoned IPv4 addresses.

To merge selected networks:

  1. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  3. Choose one of the following steps:

    Merge networks

    1. From the IPv4 or Address Space tab, select the check boxes for two or more blocks or networks to merge.
    2. Click Action and select Merge Selected.
    3. The Selected Siblings section lists the blocks or networks selected to be merged. Select the item that's to retain its identity after the merge.

    Move a network

    1. Under IPv4 Blocks, select the block or network that you want to move.
    2. Click the menu beside the block name or network name, and select Move.
    3. Under New Location, set the following parameters:
      • IP Address—type the IP address for the location to which you want to move the block or network.
      • Override IP overlap detection—this check box appears only for Address Manager administrators and only when IP Overlap Detection is enabled. When the IP Overlap Detection function shows that the destination address for the block or network you are moving conflicts with an existing block or network in another configuration, select this check box to override the warning and move the block or network.
  4. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  5. Click Yes.