OPTIONAL: Copying Security World files - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

A Remote File System is a requirement of the BlueCat HSM environment. However, if you don't want to use the RFS to join Address Manager and DNS Servers to the Security World via the network, you must copy Security World files from the RFS and upload them to Address Manager in order to configure the Security World using the Address Manager user interface.

Your HSM provider will employ an RFS for the initial creation of the Security World. Once the Security World has been created, you must compress Security World files from the RFS and copy them to a file system accessible by Address Manager.

Note: Security World technology is unique to Entrust HSM appliances.

To copy the Security World files:

  1. On the RFS, locate the following files in the directory, /opt/nfast/kmdata/local:
    • world
    • module_ (one or more files)
    • card_ (one or more files)
  2. Using archiving software, place all module files in a compressed folder. Compatible formats include .zip, .tar, .tgz, .bz2, and .tar.gz.
  3. Copy the compressed folder to a file system accessible by Address Manager (for example: local directory on Address Manager, USB drive)
You will upload the compressed Security World files to Address Manager to configure the Security World. However, first you must create an HSM configuration in Address Manager. For details, refer to Creating an HSM configuration.