Partitioning an IPv6 block - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Partitioning divides blocks into multiple, equally sized, smaller blocks or networks. Any remaining space can also be allocated as the same type of object.

To partition an IPv6 block into child blocks or networks:

  1. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  2. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  3. Under IPv6 Blocks, select the block that you want to partition.
  4. Click the menu beside the block name and select Partition.
  5. Under Select Unallocated Space, specify the space to partition and the type of partitions to create:
    • Available space—lists the available unallocated space. Select a block of space from the drop-down menu.
      Note: If there's an excess of available IP space in the current block, no available space appears in the drop-down menu and a message will be shown.
    • Divide into—select Blocks to create IPv6 blocks or Networks to create IPv6 Networks.
  6. Under Allocation Size, determine how many blocks or networks you want to create:
    • Using CIDR prefix size—select this option to specify the size and number of items in CIDR notation. Select a value from the drop-down menu.
    • Number of blocks—select this option to specify the number of blocks to create. Select a value from the drop-down menu.
    Note: The following IP space boundary limitations apply to the blocks and networks being created:
    • Block prefix size is limited to /3-/126 for the Global Unicast Address Space and /6-/126 for the Unique Local Address Space.
    • Network prefix size is limited to /64-/128.

    Attempts to partition into blocks and networks falling outside of these boundaries can result in errors.

  7. Under Name, enter a name to apply to each new block or network.
  8. Under Tags, select a tag to apply to each new block or network:
    1. Click Add Tag.
    2. Click tag groups and tag names to move down through the tag hierarchy. Click the Up button to move up through the tag hierarchy.
    3. Select the tag that you want to add.
    4. Click Add. The selected tag appears in the Tags section.
    5. If required, repeat these steps to add more tags.
  9. As you select options, refer to the Data Check section of the page, which provides information about the objects to be created by the partition function.
    • When creating IPv6 blocks, the Data Check section notes the number of addresses in each block, the number of blocks to be created and the CIDR prefix size.
    • When creating IPv6 networks, the Data Check section notes the number of hosts in each network and the number of networks to be created.
  10. Click Partition, then click Yes to confirm.