Performing a bulk DNS update - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to perform a bulk DNS update in Address Manager.

To perform a bulk DNS update:

  1. From the configuration drop-down, select a configuration.
  2. Select the DNS tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. You can perform a bulk DNS update at the view or zone level. Navigate to and select a view or zone.
  4. Click Action and select Bulk DNS Updates.
  5. Beside the Bulk DNS Updates CSV file field, click Browse. A dialog box opens where you can select a CSV file on your workstation.
  6. Select a CSV file and click Open. The file selection dialog box closes and the path for the selected file displays in the Bulk DNS Updates CSV file field.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Under Review Updates, each Line field contains a line from your CSV file.
    • If Address Manager finds an error in a line, the error is noted in red text to the right of the field. Review each line and correct any errors by editing the text in the Line field. For more information on the update entry syntax, refer to Reference: Bulk DNS update CSV file.
    • To remove a line from the list, click the Remove link to the right of the Line field.
  9. Under Update, Error and Naming Policy Options, set the following options:
    • Abort update—when selected, cancels the entire update process if there's an error with any of the updates. None of the updates are applied if any one update contains an error. If errors are encountered, a list of entries with errors appears at the end of the update process. There is one exception case for a delete action. If a record in the CSV file isn't found in Address Manager, errors will be ignored and logged in the server log, and updates without errors are applied.
    • Skip records with errors and continue update—when selected, ignores any updates that contain errors. Updates without errors are applied.
    • Override Naming Policy—when selected, resource records are created with names as specified in the update entries; any naming policies assigned to the view or zone are ignored. When deselected, any naming policies assigned to the view or zone are enforced; entries with resource record names that don't follow the naming policy are ignored. If updates are ignored because of naming policy conflicts, a list of entries with conflicts appears at the end of the update process.
    • Update dynamic record without dynamic deployment—when selected, dynamic record updates take effect in Address Manager, but are not dynamically deployed to the DNS/DHCP Server. If the CSV file contains both static and dynamic record update entries, this option still only affects the dynamic record entries within the file.
  10. Under Change Control, add comments, if required.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Review the results in the Update Results section. This section lists the error handling and naming policy options you selected for the update and the number of updates successfully applied.

    If entries were skipped or caused the update process to cancel, a list of errors appears. Review the errors and correct the problems in your CSV file and attempt the update process again.

  13. Click OK.