Performing database replication failover - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to perform database replication failover.

If you need to perform maintenance work on the Primary server and want another server to temporarily maintain the Primary database, you can perform a failover. The failover process promotes a selected Standby server to the Primary role, and converts the current Primary server to a Standby role. During the failover process, the database retains all committed transactions and becomes available in a stable, known, good state.
  • You must be an Address Manager Administrator to perform database replication failover.
  • To perform a failover, the Primary database must be online. If the Primary server is offline, the Primary database isn't available, so you can't log in to the Address Manager web interface on the Standby servers.
Important: While database replication failover is in progress, do not perform any administrative action (such as updating or changing the CLI configuration, rebooting, and so on) on the Primary or Standby servers. Such changes will affect BAM functionality and cause replication failover to fail.

If the Primary server isn't online, use the reset replication Administration Console command on the Standby server or servers. For more information, refer to Forcibly resetting database replication.

To perform a database replication failover:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page on which you last worked, so select the Administration tab again to ensure you are working on the Administration page.
  2. Under Data Management, click Database Management.
  3. Click Database Replication.
  4. Click Database Replication and select Failover.
  5. Under Select New Primary Server, select the new Primary server from the New Primary Server drop-down menu.
    The drop-down menu displays the IP address and latency of the Standby servers.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Confirm.

    If the latency of the Standby server isn't 0, the Current latency for the target Primary server field appears and displays the latency of the Standby server that will become the new Primary server. The database replication failover occurs once the latency of the Standby server reduces to 0. If the latency doesn't reduce to 0 or the failover needs to be initiated immediately, click Force to ignore the latency value and perform the failover immediately.

    Once the latency reduces to 0 or the Force button is clicked, the database replication failover initiates and the database replication status changes to "Failover is in progress".

    Note: Once a failover is in progress, navigating to the Database Replication page redirects you to the Failover progress page.