Reference: IPv4 Reconciliation Summary page - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

The Reconciliation Summary page lists information for an IP address discovered by an IPv4 reconciliation policy.

  • The Summary section provides information about the discovered address:
    • IP Address—lists the IP address.
    • Type—shows the state of the address:
      • Reclaimable—an address that exists in Address Manager, but it isn't found on the physical network. This may represent a device that was turned off at the time of the discovery, or the address may no longer exist on the network.
      • Unknown—an address that exists on the physical network, but that isn't in Address Manager. This likely represents an address that has been added to the network after the last discovery.
      • Mismatch—an address that exists in both Address Manager and on the network, but where the MAC address, DNS host name information, VLAN information or connected switch port doesn't match.
    • Reconciliation Result—shows result of attempting to reconcile the address. Not Reconciled shows that the address hasn't yet been reconciled. If reconciling the address fails, an explanation of the problem appears here.
    • First Detection—shows the date and time the IP address was first discovered by the discovery process.
    • Last Detection—shows the date and time the IP address was most recently detected by the discovery process.
    • FQDN—shows the fully qualified domain name for the IP address.
    • MAC Address—shows the MAC address of the IP address.
    • Configuration ID—shows the Address Manager object identification number for the configuration in which the network and address are located.
    • Connected Router Port—the IP address and port for the router on which the IP address is found. If available, the name of the router is also shown here.
    • Connected Switch Port—when layer 2 discovery is enabled, shows the IP address, name, interface name, interface description, interface speed, VLAN identification, and VLAN name for the switch on which the IP address is found.
    • End of SubNet—shows the last address of the network in which the address is located.
    • Network—lists the parent IP network object for the IP address.
    • Overridden—shows if the address is exempt from the reconciliation process. No shows that the IP address isn't added to the override list; Yes shows that it's added to the override list. Overridden addresses aren't affected by the Reconcile All and Reconcile functions.
    • Address Manager Discovery State—the state of the address, such as Static, Not Allocated, Reserved, or DHCP Reserved.
    • Start of Subnet—shows the first address of the network in which the address is located.
    • Time Since First Detection—shows the length of time since the IP address was first discovered by the discovery process.
  • The Status of Address Manager section describes the state of the address within Address Manager. This section may only note that the IP address hasn't been allocated, or it may show more detailed information
    • IP Address—lists the IP address.
    • Expire Time—lists the expiration time for the IP address’s DHCP lease.
    • Lease Time—list the duration of the IP address’s DHCP lease.
    • Network—the parent IP network object for the IP address.
    • MAC Address—the MAC address of the IP address.
    • Dependent Records—lists resource records associated with the IP address.
    • Current State—lists the state of the IP addresses, such as Static, Not Allocated, Reserved, or DHCP Reserved.