Reference: Regular expressions - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

A regular expression is a way of defining a pattern in a text string. In a text string naming policy value, you can use a regular expression to control how users enter a text string. For example, you can require the string to be in all uppercase or lowercase letters, to only included letters and not numbers, or to be only of a certain length.

Shown here are regular expression operators you can use the Regular Expression field on the Add Naming Policy Value and Add Naming Policy Value pages.

To match Operator Matches
A specific case-sensitive string string Matches only string, where string is a value typed into the Regular Expression field. The string must not contain spaces.

For example: Address matches Address but not address

One case sensitive string or another case sensitive string string1|string2 Matches either string1 OR string2. string1 and string2 must not contain spaces.

For example: Address|Example matches Address or Example but not address or example

A single character from a range of characters [x-y] Matches a range of characters or numbers, where x and y specify the first and last characters in the range.
For example:
  • [a-z] matches a single lowercase letter from a to z.
  • [A-Z] matches a single uppercase letter from A to Z.
  • [0-9] matches a single number from 0 to 9.
A specific number of characters {n} Matches the specified number of characters, where n is a number.

For example: [a-z]{4} matches abcd but not abc or ABCD

A variable number of characters {min,max} Matches the specified number of characters, where min is the minimum number of characters and max is the maximum number of characters.

For example: [a-z]{4,6} matches abcd and abcdef, but not abc or abcdefg.

One or zero characters ? Matches one or zero occurrences of a character.

For example: [0-9]? matches none or one number from 0 to 9.

Anything other than the specified characters [^string] Excludes any of the characters in string; string can't contain spaces.
For example:
  • [^a] matches any single character other than a.
  • [^abc] matches any single character other and a, b, or c.
  • [^abc]{4} matches a string of any four characters, excluding strings that contain a, b, or c.
Any single character . Type a “.” period in the Regular Expression field. Matches any single character.
For example:
  • . matches any single character.
  • .{10} matches a 10-character long string made up of any characters.
  • .{4,6} matches a string of at least four and at most six characters made up of any characters.

To include a character that's normally part of a regular expression operator, precede the character with \ (backslash).