Rules for merging duplicate host records - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

When the database cleaner finds duplicate host record objects, the attributes of the host records are merged to create a host record with a single IP address.

Address Manager uses the following rules to merge duplicate host records:

  1. The first record in a series of duplicates becomes the final host record. The IP addresses from all duplicate records are assigned to the final host record.
  2. Address Manager assigns metadata for the host record from the first record in a series of duplicates. Metadata from subsequent records in the series of duplicates is included only if a value isn't present in preceding records.
    1. Example 1: The Comments field for the first record in a series of duplicates contains data. In this case, the data from the first record is assigned to the final record. Address Manager discards the Comments field from all other records in the series of duplicates.
    2. Example 2: The Comments field for the first record in a series of duplicates doesn't contain data. The Comments field for the second record in the series contains data. In this case, Address Manager populates the Comments field for the final host record with the data from the second duplicate record.
  3. Address Manager assigns tags and favorites from each duplicate record to the final record.
  4. Address Manager assigns dependent records, such as CNAME, MX, and SRV records, from each duplicate record to the final record.

Address Manager merges access rights based on unique users. If the same user is found for different access rights, Address Manager assigns the most permissive right to the record.