The following section outlines some example scenarios where DNS Activity event messages are not generated.
No DNS Activity event messages
In the following scenarios, no DNS Activity query or response event messages are
- Not enough header to determine if the event is a request or response.
- The query or response is from a peer that matches a black hole policy.
- The query or response results in a special EDNS option error.
- No matching view can be found for the query or response.
No DNS Activity response event messages
In the following scenarios, no DNS Activity response messages are generated and only
query event messages are generated:
- The query event message contains a special question type, such as IXFR or AXFR.
- DNS Activity cannot produce a response for a query, such as matching a specific RPZ policy.
No DNS Activity query event messages
In the following scenarios, no DNS Activity query messages are generated and only
response event messages are generated:
- The response cannot be parsed.
- The response is malformed.
- The response contains an invalid message class.
- The response results in a special EDNS option error.
- The response contains an invalid signature.
- The response code is unknown (