Searching transaction history - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

You can search specific transaction histories such as creating, editing and deleting objects, performed in Address Manager by category, action and username.

To search the transaction history:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on. Select the Administration tab again to ensure you are working with the Administration page.
  2. Under Tracking, click Transaction History.
    • Use the following fields to search the transaction history:
      • Search String—type the text for which you want to search.
        Note: Searching transaction history doesn't support searching by user-defined fields.
      • Category—select an object category to limit your search to specific types of Address Manager objects.
      • Action—select the action requested by a user.
        Note: Transactions with multiple actions will be shown in the History field as long as one of the actions matches the search term. However, the operation name may be misleading as it only describes one of the actions which may not match the search term, although the data within will.
      • User Name—enter the name of user who performed the transaction.
      • Start Date/End Date—select the start and end dates to search transactions performed in the specified time frame.
        Attention: If your preferred browser locale does not match the configured Address Manager system language locale, you may experience issues with the date component within Address Manager. If you cannot configure the date component, you must update the browser locale to match the configured Address Manager system language locale. By default, the Address Manager system language locale is configured to English [en-US].

        For more information on supported Address Manager system languages and configuring the Address Manager locale, refer to Setting system language.

      • Maximum Results—specify the number of results that will be displayed (by default, 1000).
        • Searching for a high volume of records might overload the search operation and result in a 5-minute timeout. BlueCat recommends limiting your search criteria for a faster search result.
        • When searching DNS Records by FQDN, the timeout is 10 minutes.
        • If the transaction history records within a specified time frame exceed the specified Maximum Results, Address Manager will return records from the start date to the specified maximum results, not until the end date.
  3. Click Search.