Service Configuration Override - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Some customers may have customized local service configurations that override the configurations set by the user interface. These configurations, enacted through service configuration override, are provided moderate safeguarding from changes through the user interface, in the form of warning messages and backup reference files. Settings subject to service configuration override are also preserved upon server upgrade.

Note: Upon upgrade, there is no guarantee that the preserved configuration will be valid for the new version, therefore customers are recommended to test configurations in a lab prior to upgrade to ensure proper functionality after transition to the new version.
Note: Service configuration override is disabled by default for new installations of DNS/DHCP Server. Bluecat recommends configuring services through the user interface, but if custom local modifications to DNS/DHCP services are required, contact BlueCat Networks Customer Care for assistance: