Setting options in a zone template - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to set options in a previously created zone template.

To set the options in a zone template:

  1. From the Zone Templates tab, click the name of a zone template. The zone template Details tab opens.
  2. Click the Resource Records tab. Under Resource Records, click New and select a resource record:
    Note: Address Manager doesn't allow you to create resource records under zone templates if the zone template name is more than 63 characters in length. If the zone template name exceeds 63 characters, Address Manager will display the error message, "Invalid Fully Qualified Domain Name." If necessary, reduce the length of the zone template name and try adding the resource again.
    • Host Record—add an A record.
    • Alias Record (CNAME)—add a CNAME record.
    • Text Record (TXT)—add a TXT record.
    • Host Info Record (HINFO)—add an HINFO record.
    • Service Record (SRV)—add an SRV record.
    • Mail Exchanger Record (MX)—add an MX record.
    • Naming Authority Pointer Record (NAPTR)—add an NAPTR record.
    • Generic Record—add a generic record. The following types of generic resource records are available: A, AAAA, A6, AFSDB, APL, CAA, CERT, DHCID, DNAME, DS, IPSECKEY, ISDN, KEY, KX, LOC, MB, MG, MINFO, MR, NS, NSAP, PTR, PX, RP, RT, SINK, SPF, SSHFP, TLSA, WKS, and X25.
      Note: The primary method for creating A/AAAA records in Address Manager is by adding a host record and linking it to an IP address.
      Note: The A6 record type has been moved to Historic status per RFC 6563, and is planned for removal in a future release.
      Note: The primary method for creating PTR records is by selecting the Reverse Record check box during host record creation and configuring necessary deployment roles. PTR records for unmanaged external hosts can also be created as part of the IP assignment process.
  3. Click the Deployment Options tab. Under Deployment Options, click New and select a deployment option:

    The page for adding the selected type of deployment option opens.

After creating resource records and deployment options in the template, you can assign the template to an existing zone or create a new zone using the template. For instructions on creating a new zone, refer to Managing DNS zones.