Set the default IPv4/IPv6 gateway after setting IPv4/IPv6 address and netmask.
You must first set the IPv4/IPv6 address and netmask/prefix
in interface Configuration mode before setting the default gateway.
- You can't configure interface and network settings of DNS/DHCP Server appliances that are part of a functioning xHA pair. Configure interface and network settings before creating a high availability pair.
- You can't configure interfaces if the DNS/DHCP Server is under Address Manager control. Remove the DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control to configure interfaces.
- You can't configure interfaces if network redundancy (bonding) is enabled. Disable redundancy from the Administration Console to configure interfaces. Disabling bonding will also remove the DNS/DHCP Server from Address Manager control.
- xHA with IPv4 only: no IPv6 addresses must be present on either the Active or Passive nodes.
- xHA with IPv4 and IPv6: both the Active and Passive Nodes must be configured with only one IPv6 address. Multiple IPv6 address may prevent successful creation of xHA. For complete information, refer to Managing xHA.
To set the default gateway
- From Main Session mode, type configure network and press ENTER.
- Type set default-gateway <ipv4/ip6address> and press ENTER. If your gateway doesn't match your interface, you will receive an error. Enter the set gateway command again with the correct gateway address, or modify the IP address in Interfaces Configuration mode.
- Type save and press ENTER. The Administration Console saves your settings.
- Type exit and press ENTER until you return to Main Session mode.
After you have configured the interface and network options
the Address Manager web interface should be available on the network.
IPv4 gateway
Proteus:> configure network
Proteus:configure:network> set default-gateway
Proteus:configure:network> save
Proteus:configure:network> exit
IPv6 gateway
Proteus:> configure network
Proteus:configure:network> set default-gateway 2001:db8::AC10:FE01
Proteus:configure:network> save
Proteus:configure:network> exit