Upgrading a container via a cloud or local repository - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Perform the following upgrade process for containers running on BlueCat DNS/DHCP Server appliances that are routable to a cloud or local repository.

  • If pulling an image from a cloud repository, you must set a DNS resolver on the BDDS. For more information, refer to DNS Resolver
  • If pulling images from a cloud repository, you must modify the BDDS firewall rules to allow the BDDS to reach the repository. For details, refer to articles 17871 and 16200 on BlueCat Customer Care.
  • If pulling images from a local repository (with the BDDS behind an internet firewall), you must set the necessary routing to allow the BDDS to reach the repository.

To upgrade the container via a cloud/local repository:

  1. Stop the container from the BDDS Diagnostics page.
  2. From the Gateway Service page, deselect the Enable Gateway Service checkbox. The Remove Image and Remove All Volumes and Bind Mounts checkboxes appear.
  3. Select the Remove Image checkbox. Select the Remove All Volumes and Bind Mounts checkbox only if you wish to remove all unused local volumes and the configured data and logs bind mounts. Leave the Remove All Volumes and Bind Mounts unselected if you would like the data and logs bind mounts to persist on the DNS/DHCP Server during the upgrade.
    Attention: If you select Remove All Volumes and Bind Mounts the mounted data and logs directories will be deleted from the DNS/DHCP Server permanently. This is an irrevocable step.
  4. Click Update. Gateway Service removes the image from the BDDS appliance and stops. Once done, BAM returns you to the BDDS Service Type dropdown menu page.
  5. From the Gateway Service page, set the following parameters:
    • Enable Gateway Service—select this check box to start the BlueCat Gateway Service.
    • Ports—enter a list of ports to configure for BlueCat Gateway.
    • Environment Variables—enter a list of environment variables to pull to a container during startup.
    • Volumes—set the directories that will be bind mounted to the container for data and logging (previously referred to as volumes).
      Note: If you left the mounted data and logs directories on the DNS/DHCP Server when disabling the service, ensure that the directories match the previous bind mounts so the new service can access the existing data.
      If you deleted the bind mounts when disabling the service, note the following for configuring new directories: to ensure data persistence when patching or upgrading DNS/DHCP servers, BlueCat recommmends using the default directory configuration or designated custom directory location. The recommended default configuration is /root/gwdata/:/bluecat_gateway/ and /var/log/gateway/:/logs/. To set custom directories, click Remove to remove the existing directories, then add the custom data and logs directories.
      Attention: When configuring custom data and logs directories:
      • Specify only two directories, one for data and one for logs.
      • Use the format [SOURCE:]TARGET.
        • The SOURCE is the DNS/DHCP Server directory that will be bind mounted to the container. Custom source directories must be located in /root/gwmount/ (i.e. /root/gwmount/customdir/) to ensure data persistence when patching or upgrading DNS/DHCP servers. For a basic configuration of the Gateway on BDDS service, the TARGET portion determines if the directory is for data and logs, and should be either /bluecat_gateway/ for data, or /logs/ for logs.
        • Example: /root/gwmount/mydata1/:/bluecat_gateway/
        • Example: /root/gwmount/customlogsdir/:/logs/
      Warning: Ensure that the service is configured as detailed above using either the default directories (/root/gwdata/:/bluecat_gateway/ and /var/log/gateway/:/logs/) or designated custom directory location (/root/gwmount/). Data located outside of these directories will be lost upon patch or upgrade of the DNS/DHCP Server.
  6. Under Repositories, set the following parameters:
    • Repository—enter the repository address of the new image, in the format quay.io/bluecat/<repository>.
    • Tag—enter the new version tag.
  7. Click Update.
After you click Update, the Gateway Service initializes, pulls the images from the cloud or local repository, and initiates the container. Allow some time for Address Manager to register the configuration, after which you will be redirected to the Service Type dropdown menu page.