User types and access types - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity
User types determine the features an Address Manager user has access to. Use the Non-Administrator user type for typical Address Manager users who manage only DNS and IPAM data. Use the Administrator type for administrators or users who need unlimited access to all Address Manager functions.
User Type Features
  • No access to the Administration tab: these users can't view or change Address Manager system settings. Controlled access to Address Manager objects: you define access rights for these users to determine which objects they can view, add, edit, or delete.
  • Security Privileges: you determine if this user can view, change, add, or delete their own and other users’ access rights.
  • History Privilege: you determine if the user can view the audit trail for Address Manager objects.
  • Locking: you can lock these users to temporarily prevent them from logging in to Address Manager. Use the Lock User function to lock out users when you need to perform resource-intensive processes, such as database maintenance or a large data migration. You can also use this function to lock out users who no longer need access to Address Manager.
Administrator Access to the Administration tab: these users can view and change Address Manager system settings. Unlimited access to all Address Manager functions.
Note: The Object ID field on the Details pages is only available to users with Administrator access.
Administrator by group privilege Non-Administrator users that are members of an administrator group are given the same access and capabilities as an Administrator user.
Access types determine how the Address Manager user can access Address Manager.
Access Type Features
GUI These users can access the system only through the web interface: they can't log in to the API (Application Programming Interface).
API These users can access the system only through the API: they can't log in to the web interface.
GUI and API These users can access the system either through the web interface or the API
Note: When you update from earlier versions of Address Manager, Address Manager assigns existing users the following user type and access type attributes:
  • Existing Administrator users become Administrator users with the GUI access type.
  • Existing Non-Administrator users become Non-Administrator users with the GUI access type.
  • Existing API users become Administrator users with the API access type.
The following examples show situations in which you might use the four user type and access type combinations to address particular needs.
User and Access Type Application
Non-Administrator + GUI Use for typical Address Manager users who work with the web interface.
Non-Administrator + API Use for API-based applications that are limited to just DNS and IPAM tasks.
Non-Administrator + GUI and API Use for Address Manager users who work with the web interface and API-based applications that are limited to just DNS and IPAM tasks.
Administrator + GUI Use for Address Manager administrators or users who work with the web interface.
Administrator + API Use for API-based applications that require full access to Address Manager.
Administrator + GUI and API Use for Address Manager administrators or users who work with the web interface and API-based application that require full access to Address Manager.
Note: Non-Administrator + API users don't have API access to administrative functions. To prevent such access,Address Manager doesn't allow you to set default access rights for Non-Administrator + API users. Access rights for this user and access type combination must be set at the configuration level or lower.