Validating deployment - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

Validation checks the syntax of DNS and DHCP configuration files and DNS zone files prior to deployment to DNS/DHCP Servers.

The validation runs independently of deployment to verify the syntax and integrity of deployment data without actually having to deploy to servers. This allows for greater flexibility for your administrators to verify the current configuration, resolve potential issues, and deploy with confidence at a later time.

You can enable and disable the validation of configuration and zone files. You can also set several options for the validation of zone files. The deployment validation options control the dhcp, named-checkconf and named-checkzone tools on the DNS/DHCP Server.

Validation options are set at the configuration level on the Validation Settings page. Options set at the configuration level are applied to all servers in the configuration. You can also create overrides at the server level for each individual server.

The outcome of the validation check depends on the options you selected:
  • If the configuration file fails the validation test: deployment is labelled as invalid and the DNS data on the managed DNS Server isn't updated. Any existing DNS data on the DNS Server remains untouched. The invalid deployment is noted in the Address Manager Event List and you can review the DNS Validation server log to determine the cause.
  • If the configuration file passes the validation test and you didn't enable zone validation: deployment proceeds and the DNS data on the managed DNS Server is updated.
  • If you selected Fail for any of the zone validation options and a syntax error is detected in the data: deployment is labelled as invalid and the DNS data on the managed DNS Server isn't updated. The invalid deployment is noted in the Address Manager Event List and you can review the Zone Validation server log to determine the cause.
  • If you selected Warn or Ignore for any of the DNS zone validation options and a syntax error is detected in the data: deployment proceeds and the DNS data on the managed DNS Server is updated. Warnings are noted in the Address Manager Event list and you can review the Zone Validation server log to determine the source.
  • If no syntax errors are detected in the data: deployment proceeds and the DNS data on the managed DNS Server is updated.
Note: Address Manager does not currently validate against the assignment of a DHCPv4 role to an IPv6-only server. Assignment of a DHCPv4 role to an IPv6-only server will cause a deployment error with the generic event description of "DHCP deployment failed". Validation against this improper DHCPv4 role assignment will be added in a future release of Address Manager.