Viewing DHCPv4 lease history - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

View the history of DHCPv4 leases provided by your managed servers.

You can view the DHCPv4 lease history for a specific IPv4 network or for all networks within an IPv4 block.

To view IPv4 DHCP lease history:

  1. From the configuration drop-down menu, select a configuration.
  2. Select the IP Space tab. Tabs remember the page you last worked on, so select the tab again to ensure you're on the Configuration information page.
  3. Under IPv4 Blocks, click an IPv4 block.
  4. Click the DHCP Leases History tab. To view the DHCP lease history for a specific network, navigate to an IPv4 network and click the DHCP Leases History tab.
    The DHCP Leases History section displays the following information:
    • Active IP Address—lists the IP addresses that are actively leased or that have a history of having been leased. For more information on IP address types, refer to Address types.
    • Lease Time—displays the date and time the lease was granted.
    • Expire Time—displays the date and time the lease is to expire.
    • Number of Transactions—displays the number of transactions performed to assign, renew, or terminate the lease. The table is initially sorted in descending order, based on the number of transactions.
    • State—displays the current state of the lease, such as DHCP Allocated, DHCP Free, or DHCP Reserved.
    • Parameter Request List—displays the list of parameters the device requested from the DHCP server.
    • Vendor Class Identifier—displays an identifier sent by the DHCP client software running on a device.
    • Circuit ID—shows information specific to the circuit from which the request came.
    • Name—the name you created for the IP address.
    • Remote ID—shows information that identifies the relay agent.

    To view the details for an address, click an address in the Active IP Address column.

    To view the details for a server, click a server in the Primary Server or Secondary Server columns.