Viewing backup profiles - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

After creating a backup profile, you can verify that the profile has been successfully created with the settings you configured.

To view backup profiles:

  1. From Main Session mode, type show backup and press ENTER. A list of backup profile settings displays.
  2. Additionally, from Main Session mode, type configure backup and press ENTER.
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • To view a list of all backup profiles, type show and press ENTER.
    • To view information for a specific backup profile, at the backup configuration prompt, type modify <backup profile name> and press ENTER. Once you are in the specific backup profile, type show and press ENTER.

      A list of backup profile settings displays. For information on the backup profile fields, refer to Creating backup profiles and scheduling backups.

      A list of backup profiles displays with information in these columns:
      • ID—the name of the backup schedule.
      • Schedule—the day, time, and frequency of the backup schedule.
      • Local—indicates whether backup files are set to be written to the local server in the /data/backup directory or not; displays yes when they are and no when they're not.
      • Remote—indicates whether backup files are set to be written to a remote server or not; displays yes when they are and no when they're not.
      • Host—when remote backups are configured, indicates the remote host to which backup files are saved.
      • Protocol—when remote backups are configured, indicates the file transfer protocol to be used during the remote backup; displays ftp when backup files are to be sent to a remote server using FTP, or sftp when backup files are to be sent to a remote server using SFTP.


      Status: Enabled
      ID      Schedule          Local    Remote   Host      Protocol
      ------- ----------------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
      default Sunday at 2:00AM  yes      no                 ftp