Viewing database replication details - BlueCat Integrity - 9.3.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

How to view database replication details.

View details on the state of database replication, including the IP addresses of the Primary and Standby servers, and the replication latency (in seconds) between the Primary and Standby servers.

To view database replication details:

  1. Select the Administration tab. Tabs remember the page on which you last worked, so select the Administration tab again to ensure you are working on the Administration page.
  2. Under Data Management, click Database Management.
  3. Click Database Replication.
    • The General section displays the following information:
      • Database Replication—indicates if database replication is enabled, in progress, or disabled.
      • Compression—displays whether the replication stream is compressed.
      • Latency Warning Threshold (sec)—displays the warning threshold latency1 of the replication data directory, in seconds. When the latency between the Primary and Standby servers reaches the configured threshold, Address Manager logs a warning in syslog and sends an event to warn you that the database of the Standby server is behind the database of the Primary server by the configured threshold or greater. The default value is 3600 seconds.
        Note: To establish database replication again, refer to Forcibly resetting database replication.
      • Latency Critical Threshold (sec)—displays the critical threshold latency of replication, in seconds. When the latency between the Primary and Standby servers reaches the configured threshold, Address Manager logs a warning in syslog and sends an event to warn you that the database of the Standby server is behind the database of the Primary server by the configured threshold or greater. The default value is 86400 seconds.
        Note: To establish database replication again, refer to Forcibly resetting database replication.
    • The Servers in Replication section displays the following information:
      • Hostname—displays the hostname of the Primary or Standby servers. The Primary server is indicated with Primary in parenthesis next to the Primary server hostname.
      • IP Address—displays the IP address of the Primary or Standby servers.
      • Status—displays the database replication service status of the server relative to the Primary server. When the Primary server is enrolling a Standby server, the column displays the percentage of enrollment completion and time elapsed.
      • Latency—displays the latency, in seconds, of the database replication of the server relative to the Primary server.
1 The latency is the delay between the time that a particular update was performed on the Primary server and the time that it was committed on the Standby server.