Viewing discovered IP addresses - BlueCat Integrity - 9.5.0

Address Manager Administration Guide

Product name
BlueCat Integrity

After an IP reconciliation policy discovers addresses and networks, you can view and work with the new information.

To view addresses discovered by the IP reconciliation policy:

  1. Navigate to the Details tab of the IPv4 or IPv6 block or network where the policy is set.
  2. Under IP Reconciliation Policies, click IP Reconciliation Policy.
    The IP Reconciliation tab lists IP addresses discovered by the IP reconciliation policy. The IP Reconciliation section displays information about the IP addresses on the network in these columns:
    • IP Address—lists the IP address. Click an IP address to view its reconciliation information. The Reconcile Summary Page appears. For more information, refer to Reference: IPv4 Reconciliation Summary page.
    • Type—an IP address may be of one of the following types:

      Mismatch—an address that exists in both Address Manager and on the network, but where the MAC address, DNS host name information, VLAN information or connected switch port does not match.

      Reclaimable—(IPv4 only) an address that exists in Address Manager, but it isn't found on the physical network. This may represent a device that was turned off at the time of the discovery, or the address may no longer exist on the network.

      Unknown—an address that exists on the physical network, but that isn't in Address Manager. This likely represents an address that has been added to the network after the last discovery.

    • Network—the parent IP network object for the IP address.
    • FQDN—the fully qualified domain name for the IP address.
    • MAC Address—the MAC address of the IP address.
    • Overridden—shows if the address is exempt from the reconciliation process. No shows that the IP address isn't added to the override list; Yes shows that it's added to the override list. Overridden addresses aren't affected by the Reconcile All and Reconcile functions.
    • Time Since First Detection—the time since the address was first discovered by the IP reconciliation policy.
  3. Use the IP Address State and Type drop-down lists to filter the list of addresses in the IP Reconciliation section.
To view non-reconcilable addresses:
  • Click Action and select View Non-Reconcilable Addresses. The IP Reconciliation section updates to show only addresses that can't be reconciled.
    An address may not be able to be reconciled for one of the following reasons:
    • There's a conflict between the size of the physical network and the size of the equivalent IP network object in Address Manager. As a result, Address Manager can't add the address.
    • The IP state between two discovery sessions doesn't match. For example, an earlier discovery session reported the address as Static; before the next discovery session, another user changes its state to Reserved.

From here, you can reconcile all addresses, reconcile selected addresses, add addresses to the override list, and delete addresses.

To add addresses to the override list (IPv4 only):
  1. Select one or more addresses from the list.
  2. Click Action and select Add to Override List.
To delete addresses:
  1. Select one or more IP addresses from the list.
  2. Click Action and select Delete Selected.
  3. Click Yes.